Monday, 17 May 2010

a word from heart...........


When we lose someone and fall, when it appeared someone who can defend us,
And really, it's called loyalty without reason......
Something doesn't need to be repeated from the beginning of a new one,
If you know it was you who actually want it early.......


Not everyone needs to know what problems we're facing,
and how we can hold it.

No need to tell all the stories about you
if people really don't know what the problem is.

There is no need too much share,
so everyone knows how you can come back strong.

No need to talk,
so everyone knows how unfair the world is against you.

Really, it is not necessary.
Because you open your mouth without a 'friend' know it all.

But, if you 'blind'. You can't see anything about sincerity.

Goodnight. Cheers. Dragoste,